sábado, 20 de novembro de 2010

ANIMUSIC marcou presença no México

A participação da ANIMUSIC no congresso "2nd Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics", que se realizou de 15 a 19 de Novembro 2010 (http://asa.aip.org/cancun/calendar.pdf), em Cancun, da Acoustical Society of America (ASA), foi seleccionada, entre mais de um milhar de comunicações, para ser publicada na World Wide Press Room: «The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) World Wide Press Room was created by the ASA Public Relations Committee to provide efficient dissemination of information regarding the Society and the field of acoustics to the news media, science writers, and other interested parties.» Procura-se dar a conhecer a investigação de uma forma acessível, sendo divulgada pelo jornalismo científico.

No convite para a escrita do artigo em "linguagem comum" ou "não técnica", Devin Powell (science writer do American Institut of Physics, referiu que: «Our team of writers combed through the abstracts for this meeting and selected your paper as one that is potentially interesting and noteworthy to science reporters and their audiences. [...] At each meeting, a few dozen speakers are invited to write lay-language papers. The papers, posted on ASA's "World Wide Press Room" (www.acoustics.org/press), are read by reporters at news outlets such as the New York Times, NPR, New Scientist, Discover, and Nature News. They are made publicly available before, during, and after the meeting for website visitors to appreciate and to use as the basis for writing newspaper and magazine articles. We plan to highlight your paper in a special section devoted to Pan American/Iberian science and targeted to reporters in the Spanish/Portuguese-speaking world.»

Foi assim publicado o artigo, em português, que poderá ser consultado em: http://www.acoustics.org/press/160th/bastos.htm

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia//POPH do QREN e FSE  (BPD)